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Arc's poor imitator? - QQ Browser

QQ Browser#

Front row reminder: This article seems long, but it's mostly images. There is actually not much text.

This article is based on version 12.3 (5573) of the official website.


Official Introduction#


Official website:

General Performance Test#

Memory Usage with Multiple Tabs#

Similarly, following the testing method from the previous article, I opened 24 web pages in a folder with one click and checked the memory usage using the task manager. Only commonly used extensions were enabled.


Memory Usage.png

Video Decoding Capability#

I mainly tested YouTube and bilibili, which are commonly used by me.

The selected test sample is "影视飓风:2023-2024 免费样片" (Movie Hurricane: 2023-2024 Free Sample).

Sample link: 【杜比视界】激发你设备的极限画质,影视飓风 2023-2024 免费样片_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

Due to different encoding, bitrates, and formats used by different websites, the test results are for reference only.

YouTube 4K uses VP9 encoding, with CPU usage around 10% and GPU usage between 10% and 30%.

YouTube Decoding.png

bilibili 4K uses AV1 encoding, with CPU usage mostly below 10% and GPU usage stabilizing around 20%.

bilibili Decoding.png

It is worth mentioning that, due to the Chromium kernel version being 94, HEVC hardware decoding is theoretically not supported.

In conclusion, considering resource usage and other factors, QQ Browser's decoding capability is at a medium level. It can meet the requirements for streaming media videos in daily use.

PDF Functionality#

I think QQ Browser's PDF functionality is very good.

It supports highlighting, underlining, strikethrough, adding text boxes, adding watermarks, stamps, and signatures to PDF files.

Unfortunately, freehand drawing is not supported.


In addition to the basic functions mentioned above, it also supports some additional features.

It should be noted that most of these additional features are based on Tencent's "Helping Hands" web platform and may become paid features in the future.

PDF Special Features.png


Native Customizable Sidebar#

QQ Browser has a workspace mode that turns the tab bar from horizontal to vertical.

Switch to Vertical Workspace.png

Therefore, there are two styles for the sidebar.

One is the "horizontal" mode, where the tab bar is horizontal. The sidebar only displays fixed URLs.

Sidebar - Horizontal.png

The other is the "vertical" mode, where the tab bar is vertical. The fixed URLs in the sidebar are squeezed together.

The "vertical" mode is indeed similar to the Arc sidebar.

A small tip: In "vertical" mode, you can drag the edge of the sidebar to adjust its width, or click to expand or collapse it.

Sidebar - Vertical.png

Supports adding custom URLs

Sidebar - Customizable.png

Native Clean New Tab Page#

Of course, the default homepage and new tab page contain a lot of advertisements.

You can set it to a minimalist new tab page with only a search box by following these steps:

Set as New Tab Page.png

New Tab Page.png

After setting, there are three modes to choose from. You can switch in the upper right corner of the new tab page.

New Tab Page Modes.png

From left to right, according to the order in the image.

The first style, by default, scrolls down with the mouse to open the information flow, and you can click the "eye" in the upper right corner to switch to a single search box.

New Tab Page - Style 1.png

New Tab Page - Style 2.png

New Tab Page - Style 3.png

Native Split Screen#

Supports Alt+S or right-clicking a tab to open split screen.

Shortcut key conflict, my Alt+S doesn't work

Create Split Screen.png

In terms of the number of split screens, it supports up to 3 windows and also supports 3 windows + the built-in excerpt.

Split Screen.png

Split Screen with Excerpt.png

After the split screens are full, you can right-click a tab to choose replacement.

Full Split Screen - Replace.png

Native Small Window Mode#

Note that it is small window mode, not small tab.

In my test, it seems that an unlimited number of small windows can be opened.

Each window is isolated but does not save data.

Small Window - Description.png

Native Screenshot#

In terms of functionality, except for the feature without numbered annotations, other features can meet general usage scenarios.

Screenshot - Basic.png

Screenshot - Extensions.png

Native Restore Closed Tabs#

Restore Closed Tabs.png

Open Bookmarks in New Tab#

One-Click Image Saving#

Supports one-click saving of images with both http and https URLs using Alt+Left Click.

Native Mouse Gestures#

Mouse Gestures.png

Native Super Drag#

Super Drag.png

Non-VPN Data Synchronization#

Supports QQ and WeChat login.


Supports IE Mode#

IE Mode.png

Auto Refresh#

Auto Refresh.png


Extensions Cannot Modify Shortcuts#

I tried to use the extension shortcuts address for Chrome and Edge, but I couldn't access the extension shortcuts page.

New Tab Page Defaults to Online Navigation#

Modify Open After Closing All Tabs.png

Unable to Use Edge and Chrome Extension Stores#

Of course, changing the user agent can solve this problem. You can also download and install offline CRX files.

For offline installation, you need to enable developer mode on the extensions management page.

Worth Mentioning#

"Horizontal" Mode - Single-Line Minimalist#

Combining the address bar and the tab bar into one line reduces the vertical non-web content occupied by the browser.

Horizontal - Before.png

Horizontal - After.png

Website Blocking Issue#

QQ Browser will block certain websites.

You need to make the following settings to disable all available protections.

Security Settings.png

Aggregating Tabs by Domain#

Tab Tools.png

Tab Window Mode#

Tab Tools.png

Tab Window.png

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